Market Knowledge comes with experience. Experience in various market niches can accurately predict the effect of interventions to promote projects, advertising platforms to choose, plan and execute marketing campaigns.
With 5 years of experience Micro Tech Soft Company has accumulated extensive experience in niche web promotion three directions:
- Online shopping and price aggregator.
- News and information portals.
- Sectorial Projects - in tourism, real estate, construction, car sales and gaming business.
For each of the areas meets one of the divisions of the company. Specialists of these units are well acquainted with the peculiarities of the sector of the market - and are willing to apply their knowledge to provide the most effective promotion of your projects in your chosen niche.
Online Shopping and Price Aggregators
A characteristic feature of projects to promote online shopping and price aggregator can be considered the need to work with a wide and frequently updated product line - and as a result, with large arrays of key phrases.
Among Micro Tech Soft such projects are the responsibility of e-commerce. When promoting your online store or price aggregator specialists of this department will offer you a full range of necessary technical and technological services:
- Analysis and classification of key requests allocation of query (queries lineup, general inquiries and regional requests with the content of a brand name, etc.).
- Optimization of Website Structure, website orientation on selling requests - regional, containing the name of the brand and model and the like.
- Automatic generation of advertisements mentioning the region, brand, model, product characteristics and prices.
- Updated daily range and value of the goods in advertising messages.
- Consulting the technical improvement of the project, its indexation calculations of goods on the website of searching and retrieval.
- Setting the distinctive groups contextual advertising systems in some regions to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of the campaign sales unit price.
Deep knowledge of the e-commerce and a wealth of practical developments to promote trade projects will help us to bring your websites to the top list.
News and Information Portals
News and information portals, like other similar content projects, features a large amount of textual information, constant updating of this information and high attendance. Promotion of such projects requires working with huge amounts of keyword queries and continuous updating.
Promoting news and information portals in the company busy department working with content projects. Specialists of the department will provide you with high-quality performance of all necessary when promoting your website technological procedures:
- Assist in setting priorities for the promotion and update / add key parts of the project.
- Work with internal linking project and its structure, due to the improvement of the internal structure of indicators website visibility.
- Monitoring the effects on the target website users, setting systems analysts and study the behavior of the audience.
Working with us will allow you to increase traffic and boost your ranking information projects.
Sectorial Projects
Feature industry projects can be considered as their dependence on the characteristics of a particular industry. In a number of industry sectors - such as, for example, tourism - there is a clear seasonality of demand. In the real estate or construction of important regional specificity and location of the object in the legal and financial business - issues of trust and reputation. When promoting any industrial projects requires a deep understanding of the business environment and the features of its target audience.
Micro Tech Soft Company has years of experience in working with real estate websites, construction companies, travel portals, banks, legal and financial companies in the automobile business - and other industry projects.
This direction is the company in charge of the department for work with commercial projects. Specialists of the department carefully study the specifics of client's business, especially industry and specialized advertising platforms preferences professional audience - and develop a set of efficient client activities to increase sales and greater brand recognition.
We are ready to apply all their knowledge and experience to maximize the effectiveness of promoting your website!